Purchasing a new roof can be overwhelming. Even if you get an excellent price quote, it is still a major investment that many homeowners initially resist. The good news is that some roofing issues do not require a brand new roof, but a repair instead. How do you know when roofing issues can be repaired or when it’s best to just invest in a new roof altogether?
My roof is leaking in one spot.
You may be able to repair your roof in this situation, as long as there aren’t other troubling or concerning spots in other areas of your roof. Be sure that you use a roofing company that inspects the entire roof and gives feedback, even if it is just a repair job.
My roof has needed multiple repairs over the past few years.
If your roof has been repaired recently and you are seeing the same issue in new spots, you most likely need a new roof. Fortunately, roofing services are often quick, taking only one or two days to complete. You will love the look of your new roof once you see it installed, and even better, you won’t have to worry about more repairs next year.
My roof has some animal damage in one spot.
Squirrels and other critters sometimes love to scratch and ruin spots of residential or commercial roofs. If you have noticed some wear and tear in one spot only, your roofing professional may be able to easily repair the spot without deeming a brand new roof necessary.
A few of my shingles are discolored or buckling.
If you pull into your driveway and cannot stop looking at a few discolored or unsightly shingles, your roofing professional may be able to do a quick repair. However, buckling or discolored shingles – even just a few – can be a sign of wear, tear, damage, and even mold that can affect the entire roof. It is best to get it inspected by a roofing professional so that you can solve any problems before any issues spread.
A new roof is an investment that will increase the energy effectiveness of your home, update your curb appeal, and make you happy that you finally decided to upgrade to a new roof. If your roof repairs are becoming a part of your home’s routine, it might be best to start with a new roof.